An Ayurvedic Cure To Infertility
Infertility is the inability to conceive. The World Health Organisation has standardized the
definition of Infertility as a “disease of the reproductive system defined by the failure to
achieve a clinical pregnancy after 12 months or more of regular unprotected sexual
intercourse.” This condition can occur in both men and women. Infertility in couples is
increasing due to increased stress, a sedentary lifestyle and due to the fact that the age to
conceive is getting higher. Reproduction is a function carried by both men and women. The
two are equally responsible for conception and propagating, the further generation. However,
due to any cause, if any one of the partners is unable to conceive or fail to provide healthy
sperms or egg, it is termed as Infertility.
The reasons for infertility
The reasons for Infertility are different in men and women.
In men, low sperm count, low sperm motility, abnormal semen, can be the basic reasons for
infertility. Infertility in men is higher when the men are suffering from cancer, testicular
infections, overheated testicles, hormonal imbalance etc.
Other lifestyle-related reasons for infertility can be obesity or overweight, age, consumption
of alcohol and illegal drugs, chemotherapy, exposure to hazardous chemicals, etc.
In women, the clinical reasons for infertility are ovulation disorders like a premature ovarian
failure, polycystic ovarian syndrome, poor egg quality, thyroid disorder, AIDS, cancer, etc.
Among lifestyle-related reasons, smoking is a major cause for infertility followed by alcohol
or illegal drug consumption.
Mental stress is a common and predominant reason observed in both men and women for
Ayurveda as a treatment
Ayurveda has a holistic approach with regards to health and treats the body as an entire
system and does not consider only one ailment. Therefore, for treating Infertility in Ayurveda,
one of the oldest traditional medical systems ensures the transformation of food to nutrients
in the body. These nutrients can be delivered to ‘shukranu’ (sperms) for treating infertility.
Different processes in Ayurveda
The Ayurveda practitioners implement some processes to treat the Infertility. They are as
The basic process of Ayurveda to treat any disease is ‘shuddhi’ (getting rid of impurities).
Let’s look at how Ayurveda deals with infertility
a. Swedanam- This is the primary step. Swedanam means sweating. The patients suffering
from infertility are made to sweat, to flush out toxins from their body.
b. Vamanam- This may be an uncomfortable step for many patients. Here, the patient is
induced vomiting to get rid of undigested food from the body.
The medications used in Ayurveda for treating infertility are Shatavari, Guduchi, Gokshura,
TriphalaChurna, phalaghrita, banyan tree bark, Ashwagandha, Kapikacchu and many more.
The practitioner analyses the prakruti (constitution of the body) and performs nadipariksha
(examines pulse) and prescribes the medicines accordingly.
The main thrust of Ayurveda is on Diet. The patient is required to eat healthy diet
complementing the fertile condition. Ayurveda recommends fresh vegetables, whole grains,
fresh fruits, dry fruits especially almonds and, dairy products like milk. The diet proscribes a
few types of food, which should be avoided at all costs.
Importance of positive mind and health
There is a say ‘A sound mind in a sound body’ which is true and apt in such situations.
Mental health has an enormous impact on physical health. This is not only applicable to the
treatment of infertility but to any other disease or disorder. While the couple is undergoing
Ayurvedic treatment for treating their infertility, it is important not to lose hope. A positive
mind brings a positive approach and positive action, within a person.
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